Mediasite for Teaching & Learning

Mediasite captures audio, video and presentation materials and makes the content available for live broadcasting or on-demand access over the Web.

CSU San Marcos wins the 2007 Rich Media Impact Award for Excellence in Distance Education

Awards recognize excellence in the practical and innovative integration of rich media technology in education, government and corporate enterprises

Excellence in Distance Education Award
"This award recognizes a higher education institution that transformed its distance education program through web communications. The 2007 winner is California State University at San Marcos. Mediasite is widely used for online learning, sharing student presentations, capturing guest speakers and enhancing face-to-face instruction. Over the past year, more than 400 events have been recorded and archived for faculty, students and alumni to view. In addition, Mediasite is also being utilized for business support activities, providing on-demand training to all areas of the campus."

Below are some of the innovative ways faculty and staff are using Mediasite on campus.

Uses for Teaching and Learning:

  • Capture special events or speakers in face-to-face course
  • Create supplemental resources to support learning
  • Record student presentations & publish to WebCT
  • Create content for a hybrid course
  • Add dynamic content to fully online course

Dynamic content for fully online courses:

Supplemental resources for face-to-face and hybrid courses:

Student Presentations:

Guest Speakers:

Training Modules for faculty, staff, and advisors: