Into the Wild: Formal/Compositional Approaches

Thumbnails (images) that are rollovers which link to movies. Moveis can be embedded Quicktime or RealPlayer stand alone windows. This is a very small quicktime embedded in a webpage which is sized. The emedded movie and the webpage are both on the http server, because the movie is so small. The <embed> tag includes <controller=false, autoplay=true, loop=true>


This is a table with each cell as a rollover, linking to a movie popup. In this example, each rollover is identical; however in your work, you may want to create several different images (for instance the photos he took) which link to movies or audio or other images or webpages.


This table contains embedded quicktime movies with <embed> properties as <autoplay=false, controller=true>.

You can also create an area around the cells which are parts of the table which are images contained the movies, to make them look more part of an overall design on the web page, rather than merely embedded movies. Something like this is pictured below.



The below image is an image map. An image map contains hotspots which are links to other pages, popups or players.