Panel Presentation Guidelines
1. Each person will present his or her research for approximately 12
minutes. You will be graded on the length of your presentation, so you
should practice it before your presentation date. This will allow the entire
panel presentation to be about 1 1/2 to 2 hours long, with a 10 minute
break. This will also allow for at least a 1/2 hour of question and answer
after all the presentations are complete.
2. Your presentation should be an even balance between showing examples
and verbal presentation. You can orally present using notes, you can read
from a prepared paper, you can perform your research, or you can use classroom
participation in your presentation. You should use examples to back up
your research—for instance, a video clip reel, or a group of tapes already
cued up, or a website(s), multimedia, overhead, powerpoint, slides, DVD,
cassette, audio CD, etc.
3. You must let me know as soon as possible what your technological
needs are. The room is equipped with video, DVD, slides, overhead, and
audio. The computer is my laptop (Mac), which has a CD Rom drive and internet
connection. If you need anything else, you must let me know.
4. You need to test the technical aspects of your presentation the
week before, and will be graded on doing so. Please come to class 15 minutes
early or stay after class the week before to test the technical part of
your presentation or to learn how to use the podium. We won’t have time
to trouble shoot during the presentations. Part of your grade is based
on preparedness.
5. Abstracts are due electronically a week before your presentation.
These should be emailed to me, with a hard copy handed in a week before
your presentation. Use a word attachment, with the suffix ".doc"
when emailing. I cannot open attachments with strange suffixes. (For instance,
DiekmanAbstract.doc, would be good-obviously your name.) These abstracts
will be posted on our class website a week before the presentations—allowing
you all to the visit the website before the presentation date and familiarize
yourself with the topics to be presented. An abstract is a short statement
(about two or three paragraphs) which explains your research topic and
critical approach to the topic. Examples can be seen at the URLs which
are listed on the class website.
6. Your research must use at least five sources. This should be a balanced
mix of essays, books, on-line sources, videos, films, or interviews. These
sources must be listed on your abstract. If they are websites, then we
will make links from your abstract on-line. Look at the examples from the
class website.
7. The panel members will sit together in the front of the class during
the presentations. After the presentations, the panel will answer questions
from the class or from each other.
8. Part of your grade is your participation in the panel presentations
of others. Not only does this include attendance to all three presentations,
but also your attention to what is being presented whether you are on the
panel or not. You should take notes, and generate questions for the panel
presenters. A good way of preparing questions is to listen for the differences
and similarities between presenters, and direct a question to several panel
members for discussion. You may also ask an individual a question about
his or her research. But remember, much of this research is new for the
panel members, and the depth of a question may exceed their current knowledge
of the topic.
9. If you have any questions, ask me.