Outline of Dracula Lecture (3/12)

I. Dissolution of Boundaries/Hierarchies

    A. Primitive/Civilized
        1. "Orientalism" / West/East
            a. Superstition: evil eye, crossing themselves
                (Religion is "civilized" in England/religion is primitive in East)
            b. "barbarians"
            c. "pictaresque"

        2. Devolution (i.e. de-evolution) FEAR: if something could evolve, it could devolve
            a. Evolution theories dissolved firm boundaries
                -(reverse) Social Darwinism / large empire: many groups of people / fear of racial degeneration:
                 contamination of "Englishness" / reverse colonization
            b. Phrenology/Physiognomy 

    B. Life/Death (Undead; Dracula becomes younger; Lucy: alive, dead, Undead, dead again)

    C. Human/Animal (e.g. bat, wolf, dog)

    D. Natural/Unnatural  (mist, "dust" particles)

    E. Male/Female
        1. Mina as "New Woman": shorthand, typewriter, employment

        2. Three females in Dracula's castle: sexual desire/agency

        3. Homosexuality threatens established categories of gender
            a. "This man belongs to me." - Dracula
            b. Blood transfusions - from man to woman to Dracula. Lucy's body works as a mediator.

    F. Self/Other


II. Bodies