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Calendar Tool desk calendar icon


The calendar tool provides a place for instructors to enter information directly into a calendar with a link to more details. Uses include course schedule, assignments, guest speakers and group projects.

Calendar entries can be compiled into a list which is easily printed. One advantage of this tool is students can move between the calendar view and the compiled list view. For online classes, the calendar provides the option of having student sign up for dates for presentations or projects.

Some professors prefer to publish a schedule or use the assignment tool and only use the calendar for speakers or group projects. It can be time consuming to change dates in more than one location (for example, in the course schedule and the calendar).

Warning: Students cannot see private entries. Be sure you select public when making entries. After completing calendar entries, compile your calendar and look for any entries in italics. Italics indicate private entries that will not be visible to your students.


Professors who use the calendar tool extensively will appreciate learning how to import multiple calendar entries at one time using a simple Excel spreadsheet.

These Portland State Unviersity Video Tutorials demonstrate Adding Calendar Entries and Editing Calendar Entries.

Here is a detailed handout for Using the Calendar Tool created by University College London.

The Faculty Tip Sheet for Calendar created by University of Nevada includes clearly marked screen shots.
