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Quiz/Survey Toolquiz tool icon of cup with pencils


The quiz tool allows you to create quizzes that your students can take online. WebCT grades the quizzes and enters the scores in your gradebook. You can write your own questions or import questions from most test generator programs that come with textbooks.

To discourage dishonesty during online quizzes, there are some steps you can take. Here are some useful links:

WebCT Tip: Reducing Online Cheating

Preventing Printing and Copying Text in WebCT Quiz

For completely online course, you might want to give a "mock" quiz first to make sure everyone can successfully access the quiz tool and submit the finished quiz.

The survey tool allows you to collect information from students anonymously and then WebCT processes the responses and presents the information as a histogram and with detailed statistics. Many instructors begin the semester by asking students about course expectations and background. The survey tool would be an excellent way to collect these data. The survey tool can also be used to poll students. For example, if you are discussing a controverial issue, students can anonymously express an opinion and the survey results could lead to further discussion.

Using the Survey Tool to evaluate Distance Learning


When you create a quiz, you first need to either put questions into the Question Database or to create new ones. Think of the Question Database as your question test bank. WebCT allows you to randomize your questions (a wonderful feature if you are administering the quiz in a lab), but to do so, you must create categories and import groups of questions from the Question Database OR create questions for a category. When you create your quiz, you can select Question Sets (which are actually your categories) which will give you the opportunity to randomize, existing questions in your database or create new questions right within your new quiz.


To use the Quiz tool and the question database follow these steps.

To submit and/or complete a quiz follow these steps.

To create a quiz and set options follow these steps.

To create a self-test follow these steps.

To create a survey follow these steps.