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Keeping your grades in WebCT has many advantages. Both the WebCT quiz tool and assignment tool automatically create a column in the WebCT gradebook. When you grade a quiz or assignment the score also appears in your gradebook.

You can also manually create gradebook columns for any of your assignments. Although the gradebook is not as powerful or as flexible as Excel or other commercial gradebook programs, it is possible to set up formulas for most situations and it is very convenient to have your gradebook inside WebCT.

You can decide which columns will be visible to your students.

Students appreciate being able to check their grades online and you may find that your discussions during office hours can focus more on your course content instead of "What grade did I get?"


For a general overview of the gradebook in WebCT follow these steps. (video tutorial)

To reorder and organize columns follow these steps. (Video tutorial)

Gradebook Options: To release columns to students, rearrange, or hide columns follow these steps.

How to enroll or deny students access follow these steps.

To create new columns in your gradebook follow these steps. (Video tutorial)

Instructions on how to release a column to students

Releasing Grades to Students and what their My Grades will look like.

To update grades for your students follow these steps.

To add up your columns and calculate your final semester grades follow these steps (video tutorial) and view sample formulas below as well.

To use Excel and your gradebook follow these steps.

Formulas for Calculated Columns

Using Excel to drop more than one score