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Assignment Tool letter box icon for assignment tool


The assignment tool is a powerful tool for both face-to-face and online courses. When you create a new assignment, a column is added to your gradebook and your students can see the due date, the assignment details and any attachments you include.

You determine when the assignment becomes "accessible" to students. You may enter all the assignments for the semester and then activate them one by one OR you may create assignments as they are needed.

If you are teaching a face-to-face class, consider having students turn the first assignment in both online (uploading to Assignments) and handing it in to you on paper. That way students who may have some technical difficulties during the first attempt submitting online will not be penalized. You can give them a second opportunity to upload and you will know they completed the assignment on time.

Hint: Explain to students that they will know they have successfull uploaded an assignment if they return to the assignment's main page and the assignment has moved to the "Submitted" tab. When the assignment has been graded, it will move to the "graded" tab.
Add this tutorial we created, How to submit an assignment in WebCT, to your first WebCT assignment as a file attachment and your students will have step-by-step directions with screenshots when they need them.


To create an assignment follow these steps.

To learn more about what the assignment dropbox looks like, watch this video tutorial.

To learn how to organize your assignment dropbox, watch this video tutorial.

To grade student submissions follow these steps and watch a brief video tutorial here.

To grade student submissions and make comments on their Doc attachments follow these steps

To submit an assignment as an instructor follow these steps.

To submit a Website assignment, follow these steps.

To see how students turn in assignments, watch this video tutorial.

To see how to publish an assignment, watch this video tutorial.